Nationwide logistics

With us, pharmacies order their products locally as we are located in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg. This means we are always close by and ready to solve any challenges.
• We have 20 dedicated customer service employees who are always ready to receive any concerns or inquiries 
• We have 15 specialised VMI consultants who are ready to help with questions about logistics and inventory management
• We have 300 hardworking colleagues in our warehouses, picking and pakcing products into the familiar green and blue boxes
• We have 75 delivery drivers, ensuring delivery on time, every day, across the country

Value-adding solutions

We know and understand the pharmacies' needs, which is why we constantly work to be at the forefront of maintaining different procedures regarding  purchasing, storage, price and legal regulations that can facilitate the busy everyday life. We are a future-oriented and sustainable partner that aims to evolve for the sake of our partners. We, therefore, give our customers access to a wide range of digital service solutions, making every day more productive while increasing the pharmacy's customer service level and turnover.


In accordance with the Danish Marketing Government Act 1153 of 22 October 2014, section 36, on the granting of cost-based discounts on the distribution of medicines, the supplier must publish and update standard delivery and discount conditions. See our discounts below.

According to the Danish Pharmacy Act, Nomeco as a supplier is obliged to make a declaration that the cost-justified discounts paid on pharmacy-only medicines comply with the applicable laws and regulations. Here you can see the statement that Nomeco has sent to the Danish Health Authority regarding the discounts paid in the period from 1st of January - 31th of December 2020.

See the management statement here



Would you like to know more about our services and how they benefit your pharmacy? Please, do not hesistate to reach out to us.